What problems would you solve if you knew the state of everything?

What areas of your business would you like to be more effective & efficient? 

NTS has access to nearly all IoT solutions on the market. Let us help you automate monitoring for your businesses in select industries by delivering substantial time and money savings. Our IoT solutions solve remote monitoring challenges while reducing human error by combining efficient wireless sensors and gateways with industry-leading monitoring applications, real-time reporting, and instant SMS text message alerts.

Improve Efficiency & Effectiveness for a Better Outcome


Food Safety

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Connected Cow

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Top 5 IoT Manufacturing Use Cases

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Iot for Facility Managers

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IoT for Healthcare

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Contact us today and we will provide a free assessment.

Your Trusted IT Advisor

PO Box 43461
Cincinnati, Ohio 45243
(513) 321-4900
(513) 898-1023 Fax